Help us create great products

Are you ready to become part of a global design firm with opportunities that go across all design disciplines? We’re always looking for curious minds and talented people to join our team.

Nordlux Aludra design process BTS by Jacob Jensen Design

Open positions

There are no open positions at the moment.

Reach out if you want to become part of our team. We welcome unsolicited applications and portfolios.


Product designer

This is a product designer quick job description.

  • Product ideation
  • Industrial design
  • Interior and exhibition design
  • Product research

Marketing Manager

This is a marketing manager designer quick job description.

  • Product ideation
  • Industrial design
  • Interior and exhibition design
  • Product research

Sometimes the best ideas come when or where it’s least expected. We welcome a wide variety of professions and backgrounds — and believe more in creativity than hierarchy.


We’re a global company working across disciplines — and because we’re looking to grow ourselves, that will also give you the opportunity to become part of the journey. You’ll get to develop and grow as a creative.

Ready to learn more?